Demystify Neurodivergence

with alex and minna

Work with Alex and Minna

NeuroCommunity in 3 Steps

Neurodivergent people, their schools, and businesses, are in need of a 1) simple, 2) transparent, and 3) universal, accommodation process tool and guiding practice to eliminate ambiguity and facilitate collaborative partnerships between all humans, neurodivergent and neurotypical.

We who are Neurodivergent (ND) or ‘invisibly disabled’ (Autism, ADHD, C-PTSD and more) make up 96% of the ‘disability’ category (Forbes, 2020).

Despite 15-20% of the world population being ND (Doyle, 2020), less than 2% of us disclose our disabilities, and fewer request accommodations.

Why do we not disclose?

Because our needs can be hidden, even from our own awareness. Our accommodations are intangible and abstract, creating confusion and grey area, leaving most to avoid the topic all together. We don’t know what to ask for, or how. We fear stigma and a lack of understanding, so we manage in survival mode until we can no longer sustain.

Alex and Minna are #ActuallyAutistic business owners, Workplace Psychological Scientists, and Neurodiversity Consultants who experience 4+ neuro-conditions (including Autism, ADHD, CPSTD and Depression). They are working to create worlds where difference is appreciated, and environments are universally designed, yet still allow for differentiation in support of strengths.

In collaboration with the Institute of Neurodiversity, they share their combined learnings to build a foundation of neurodivergent understanding and humanistic care through priniciples of universal design at your school or company.

Join us in collaborating on one or all of these starting points:

1) Neurodivergent Identification and Sustainable Life Design: Home, School, Work

2) Humanistic Accommodations Management: Roles and Responsibilities

3) Neurodivergent Resource Groups: Development + Sustainability + Impact Consulting

Build a Sustainable Future with Us

Alex (Actually Alex) and Minna (All Things Autie) are Industrial - Organizational Psychologist Practitioners with a passion for engaging employees and working with businesses to transform outdated misconceptions about autism and neurodiversity.

The Institute of Neurodiversity (ION) is a Neurodivergent built, led, and community-run global advocacy body headquartered in Switzerland with chapters in 14+ countries, founded and led by Charlotte Valeur.

Together, we provide your School or Company with:

  1. Introduction to Neurodivergent (ND) Community Culture: What is ND?
  2. Neurodivergent Identification Resources: How do I know if I am ND?
  3. Neurodivergent Support Channels and Education: Where do I go for support?
  4. Invisible Accommodations Management Practice: How do I accommodate?
  5. Organizational Transformation Strategy: How do we shift to include everyone?

Together, we accomplish this through:

  • Creating Mutually-Supportive Cultures, strengthening interpersonal exchanges.
  • Facilitating Appreciative Collaboration between Neurotypicals and Neurodivergents.
  • Providing Neurodivergents everywhere with Tools (Youth and Older) that enable self-identification, self-advocacy, and self-accommodation.
  • Developing Neurodivergent Resource Groups (ERGs/SRGs) where members experience true identity-led community + belonging.

We support you with neurodiversity education, consulting and support material alongside detailed universal design implementation methods and tools which 1) eliminate ambiguity, and, 2) create reliable and valid process, which effectively bridge the gap between Neurodivergents and Neurotypicals to create an environment where all can thrive.

Through illuminating the human needs we all have in common, we can create sustainable school and workplace experiences together for both Neurotypicals and Neurodivergents through providing structure and process to ensure equality of access.

NeuroCommunity members have a human right to be afforded opportunity to thrive in harmony with all. We must all work together to build the sustainable future we all hope to see.

Click the Logos For Resources


United Nations World Annual Autism Day 23’

Alex (Part 4: Policy Moderator) and Minna (Part 3: Work Panelist) are #ActuallyAutistic advocates (US, US/Afghanistan) who make up 2 of the 50 advocates representing 30+ countries in this year’s autistically run and produced UN WAAD Observance 2023 in partnership with the Institute of Neurodiversity (ION).

View all 4-Parts (Home, Arts, Work, Policy) on United Nations YouTube.

View All Four Parts on UN YouTube

Experience NeuroCommunity with Us

Collaborative culture, accommodations and sustainability.

STEP 1: Neurodivergent Culture and Identification

We develop a foundation of Neurodivergent understanding and ways of being at your school or company, inspiring identification, self-advocation and overall positive change. Invite us for a keynote, workshop, live podcast or active learning session by filling out this form.

STEP 2: Invisible Accommodations Management

We offer practical tools, learning experiences, systems and process consulting for operationalizing invisible accommodations for a variety of organizational types, units and needs. Invite us for a presentation, live podcast or workshop by filling out this form.

STEP 3: Sustainable Resource Group Development

Minna and Alex partner with the Institute of Neurodiversity to build powerful mission-oriented Neurodivergent E/SRG’s (Employee Resource Groups and Student Resource Groups). Invite us to build or support a Resource Group wherever you are by filling out this form.

Our Partnership with ION is focused around developing and resourcing E/SRGs. These organizational groups or chapters hold the power to influence a mutually-supportive culture through organizational change initiatives with an innovative Neurodivergent lens. This work aspires to improve and sustain the daily lives of disabled and non-disabled contributors across the organization through universal design.

This network provides critical neurodiversity resources such as: organizational health checks, leadership/followership strategies and an open forum for members of all levels and status to come together globally under a shared identity to exchange practices, offer support and advocate together.

1:1 Coaching and Consulting

Minna offers #actuallyautistic coaching sessions, through her practice All Things Autie, which supports Neurodivergent (Autistic/ADHD) clients with sustainable life design, based out of Wrightwood, California.

Alex currently works as the Global Communication and Content Lead and is part of the Global Steering Committee for the Institute of Neurodiversity. She is additionally an Industrial Organizational-Psychologist Practitioner for the Workforce Program Research and Development department with Houston Community College.

Both hold an M.A. in I/O psychology, and have decades of combined intersectional experience in Neurodiversity education, inclusion strategy consulting, change management, employee engagement and work design, organizational development, talent development, inclusive management and more.

Work With Us!

We’re Alex & Minna

Neurodivergent Best Friends and Business Collaborators.

Alex and Minna went misunderstood and misdiagnosed until adulthood, where they both learned they experience Autism, ADHD, Depression/Anxiety and CPTSD, which combined often lead to repeated periods of severe burnout.

Realizing their neurodivergent nature ushered them each down a path of self-discovery and self-advocation that allowed their paths to cross.

Alex started a TikTok account sharing her Autism pre, mid and post-diagnosis experiences, gathering 250 million views across 3 years.

Minna shares several identities with Alex and overlap in professional experience, leading them to meet through the online universe and begin professional ventures together over the following years.

For decades, they stressfully navigated this ambiguous landscape, before learning to self-accommodate and design systems that work for them. Together they share their combined learnings and work with clients of all sizes and types including: Fortune 500 companies, small-mid size businesses, community colleges/universities, NGOs/Non-Profits and more to build a foundation of neurodivergent understanding and humanistic care through priniciples of universal design.

Finding belonging and community among each other inspired them to share their professional, community advocacy and friendship practices with the full NeuroCommunity.

Smart working dog using computer typing on laptop keyboard.

Made for You

Personalized solutions for divergent individuals and organizations.


with Alex and Minna

Free 30 minute call to discuss collaboration, partnerships, live sessions, learning experiences or to suggest an offering.

Book a Call

1:1 Coaching

with Minna

50 minutes to focus on building an authentic and sustainable life. Learn to thrive by meeting yourself where you are now.


Live Session

with Alex and Minna

We perform Keynote Sessions, live podcasts, guide engaging workshops (+ more), consult and collaborate on custom experiences for all industries.

Proposal Sample

Back to the Top

Say goodbye to ambiguity, and

hello to collaborative partnerships

& health-conscious life design.

Ahhhh. Clarity and Rest.

It is actually all possible.

Adorable cat in the cat cafe

“I didn’t think this was paws-ible!”

- in cat voice

Adorable cat in the cat cafe

… it is.

We can’t wait to collaborate with you. : )

